neljapäev, 19. detsember 2013

Where presents come from.

Our group had an idea that present's should be recycled. The story starts with a boy getting a present for christmas. He gets a teddy bear.
As he plays with it he breaks the bear and his parents must throw it away, instead the recycle it. All the teddy bears are brought to the factory where they are put on a convoy. People who work there should be known as elfs, but instead they are everyday people struggling with their jobs. We can see that they are unhappy and misreble. In fact the whole factory is a dark and dusty place. Factory produces "new" toys that are taken back to the market. As we travel with a toy back we can see similat parents buying a toy for their boy. And the cycle continues.

So roughly it tells a story about a present and its journey. Inspired by a movie intro that is named "life of a bullet" from " Lord of War"

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