neljapäev, 19. detsember 2013

Board game


Lets box!

Boardgame is about boxing.
It is meant for 2 players.
It is meant to be played by specialy produced cards.
Game is complected by a deck of cards and a special board.

There are 4 types of cards : three number cards and block! cards with a tokem.
Game takes place between 3min.

1.Game starts by each player taking 10 cards from deck . Deck has 40 cards, 6x1, 8x2, 8x3,4x4, 2x5,12xblock.
2.They flip coin for who starts.
3. Tokem is put to nr. 0 on the board and the player who starts puts first card on. Other player(defender now!) must match that card... for instence 1 must be matched by 1. When card is matched both players take a new card and who defender becomes attacker
4. Defender can also put block card to match the nr. card if he doesn't have one to match. When block card is put on, the player who put it on can’t take any cards from deck and next move is done again by the attacker. After attack is blocked the attacker attacks again. When block takes place you must move the token in direction of the player who put it by the number of slots he attacked ( if attacked by 3
5. Winner : Game is won by player who pushes other player to its corner. Game is won by a player who at the end has more cards. Game is won when defender has no cards to match.

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