neljapäev, 19. detsember 2013

Five Pensioners

Walking stick.

Commercial starts with a man walking in the streets with old selfmade wooden stick. It looks funny how he walks since the stick isn’t straight and all young people walking by are laughing at him. The man also looks very angry aswell. Picture fades to black.
Next scene shows the man walking as fast as the young people and with a straight metal stick. Then comes the ad. text. New walkies stronger than ever !

Teeth holder.

We can see a old man sitting in the bar drinking beer. Then an old woman comes into the bar and sees the man. We can see that she is interested. She buys the same beer that the man  has and sits next to him. The man sees her and isn’t intrested at all. When the man starts to take a zip of his beer, older women  wants to sync. It buy drinking at the same time. Suddenly her teeth fall into the beer. Man still doesn’t notice and sits still. Women is very nervous and can’t sit still. Ad comes up : dentaprostal no worries!


Man is going to cemetary with flowers . When walking into the gate he opens his glass box and its empty. Nevertheless man is walking in. From far we can see a funeral taking place he goes there and seems he has found his target. Ceremony takes place outdoors. Then there is small time laps and the old man is only one there and lays flowers on the grave. We can see the rune says that here lays Robert Wrigh, but the mans flowers says : rest my friend Luke. Then ad comes up : buy today our new glass holders ( that go around your neck).


It is winter time and we can see man struggeling in the snow. He cant drive foward or backwards. Then a van drives by, where bunch of geeks are sitting. They stop and geeks come out. They take some things with them what we can see. Next scene shows the wheelchair is augmented into ski-motor-wheelchair and the man is very happy . Ad comes up sigh today with our retirement plans, we make your dreams come true.


An old couple is at home and woman is prepearing the lunch. She has a cake where is written : „Happy 60th annivercery.“ They have two champaigne glasses aswell and women throws a pill there that vaporizes instantly. They have a happy meal and old women is dressed really hot(in a nice dress). Next we see them watching TV and women is very exited, yet nothing happens. Next we see them going to sleep and woman is dissapointed. Suddenly during night man screams and they start  to make love. Ad comes up : It may take time Happy viagra!

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